These are background codes you put into your status :) robg gif wtf 0-0 moving chicken its missspelled dont worry its like that rainbow glow waterfall [gif] add your gp to status! enter a color in Color Here … GraalOnline Era-Fan Made website Menu. Skip to content. Home; Background codes; Bodys; Contact info; Guides! Diging guide! GFX guide! Hat guide; Heads; Shield codes! Status codes
Graal Era:Background Codes - YouTube 21/05/2017 · Idle Heroes(O) - How To Make Progress Faster - Ultimate Guide For New Players In Idle Heroes - Duration: 28:07. WrathofGod Gaming Recommended for you Graal Era |Status Background Tutorial| - YouTube 09/06/2017 · In this video I will show you how to have a background in your status in graal era. When I first started I had trouble with this but found out how to do it so I made a video to help others with GRAAL ERA 2017 l Background Codes - YouTube 22/10/2017 · You can also try different colors. I only used red for you guys to see the difference! Visit our gfx site:
Few can survive the challenge: are you up to it? Al-Capone-Era with gangs and guns! Create a gang and take over gang bases! Dual-stick controls for If the body has no background dont set transperacy. here you go<3 btw here's a Graal Era Head and Body Chop Shop-iFiled Heads upon request/random are GraalOnline Era wiki Graal Era, A game of which you are in the era of Italian gang rewards, gangs have the optional purchase of a gang house, a cool crib for GRAAL ERA JOB GUIDE DIGGING! - GET MORE SHELLS WHILE DIGGING! attack the closest player, if killed then will have a 1/6 chance of dropping a shell. I had to get this out because people keep Graal Era Customs: Heads for girls, contact me on graal thanks :) If the body has no background set transperacy. This page is only for graal classic or the era there is new heads everyday. Maid Hoodie + Long Sleeves All bodies without a background set transparency so
How to Make Customs - ByLuke GFX Go to the Era News building which is located to the left of the start location. In there you will find a door called "Custom Sales" Go inside and you should see the actual uploading room. Era Staff Guide - GraalBible - This is the Graal Online Era Staff Guide! Whether you're a new staff member or you're a member of the Era community this guide should give you good insight into how our team works, makes decisions, and the ethics that guide our overall server management. -iEra Management This document is based on the Graal Online Era internal documentation for staff rules. Some of the information may be out of Background codes - www.snowy-graal …
How to make Graphics - Graal Stuff Make sure when you make your shield the background is transparent or make the background a color that was not used in your drawing or whatever is the same color as your background will be transparent in graal. (To make a background transparent use the magic wand tool, select the background and press delete, for people with a mac keyboard go to EDIT then DELETE) [Some programs don't include the HOW-TO: Status & Background Coding (Part 1) - … 23/06/2014 ·
Guild/Gang Picture As Background. *Again, this will only work on a gang with only one word in their name code:Tutorials & Templates – Lyvia&Sof&Sofie